



KAMISYS 以安全丶可靠及可用性高為基準。針對客戶所要求,專業提供各類網絡系統產品及服務。
• 所有SCADA系統作業,其中最新的第三和第四代。
• 一般裝嵌軟件丶核心軟件。
• 邏輯控制器編程。
• 網絡軟件/硬件及網絡協議。
• 設計用戶界面,適合一般用戶以及進階用戶。手機應用程式。
• 數據庫。
• 單元測試,軟件整合,軟硬件集成,用戶界面測試及用戶驗收測試。
• 軟硬件平台設計,網絡架構設計。



自2009年起, KAMISYS 一直參與多間法國公司的發展項目。(50%收入不在歐盟國家)。
本公司圑队由不同专业的资深工程师组成, 根据顾客的需求,从而提供完善及高质素的产品服务。
我們一直深受客戶的信仼,在協助大型工業,令其現有的硬件現代化的同時。我們亦樂意為剛起步的新產品提供咨詢及服務,透過不斷的改善和挑戰, 逐漸邁向成功的關鍵。
KAMISYS 的合作夥伴,一般為長期客戶,均擁有保修期及維修,條款詳情附錄於合約。



KAMISYS 以客戶需要及限制為基礎以制作完善系統唯目標,基本項目包括:
• 技術與商業管理項目,產品交貨期表。
• 所有技術文件及項目記錄。
• 產品開發,測試,整合,驗收。
• 嵌入,用戶驗收測試。

與客戶緊密合作,提高產品的安全性丶延長性和維持高品質水平,KAMISYS 另提供以下服務 :

• 指定程式應用開發。(EN50128 或IEC62304)
• 系統及產品設計可行性,原圖設計。
• 技術稽核
• 專業培訓
• 系統維護


KAMISYS 當中參與項目包括

  • NTHINKING 鐵路訊號系統 :整合及控制現有設備和系統。使用NEEDLETAIL作鐵路訊號系統運作。
  • KAMISYS has a long history of partnering with NTHINKING on their control and monitoring system. In particular, KAMISYS took part in the developpement and integration of NTHINKING's supervision system and was chosen for evolutive maintenance of signalling systems and of traffic and field equipment supervision systems.<br />These systems are safety-related and classified EN50126 SIL2. They require a high level of availability and implement hot redundancy.<br /> Keywords: TCP/IP, Websockets, Erlang, C, real time, redundancy, EN 50126 SIL2, SCADA, supervision
  • CARMAT人工心臟移植。
  • KAMISYS took part in the development of CARMAT's product (full human heart replacement prosthesis), in particular for the design and development of device drivers, for the software integration and hardware/software integration, for the bootloader of the proprietary operating system, for its real time scheduler, for the I/O control and acquisition and for the communication between the prosthesis and the external devices.<br />Mission-critical software for which any fault has deadly consequences, this product is classified as IEC 62304 class C.<br />Keywords: hard real time, embedded, scheduler, device driver, assembler, C, TMS28335, IEC 62304 class C
  • 研發電磁波吸收比率探測器 (ART-MAN by ART-FI),實現產品的可行性。
  • KAMISYS took part in the development of ART-MAN by ART-FI : design/development/testing of the control and monitoring software that enables to visualize and record, in real-time and in 3D, the electromagnetic field emitted by any mobile or hot spot device and measure its penetration in human tissues, aiming at its certification.<br />Keywords: Control and monitoring, TCP/IP, Qt/QML, Voreen, C++
  • 研發丶控制及維持所有系列的移液機器人的系統管理。(NOVAPREP by NOVACYT)
  • KAMISYS has developed the whole range of control and monitoring software for the NOVAPREP solution of NOVACYT : design, development and testing of the liquid-handling robot control and monitoring software, aimed at preparing microscope slidesfrom a cell sample.<br />As they are key instruments used for cytological analysis, these products are IEC 62304 class B compliant.<br />Keywords: Control and monitoring, C#, .NET, SQL server, real time, IEC62304 class B
  • ANSALDO STS全面電腦化鐵路聯鎖。
  • KAMISYS assist ANSALDO STS (HITACHI) implement the evolutions of their computerized interlocking station product (SEI). This system is in charge of the control and supervision of field equipment (points, crossings, signals etc.). This system requires a high level of availability and controls field equipment safely using a 2oo3 architecture. It complies with EN 50128 SIL4.<br />Keywords : Control and monitoring, interlocking, 2oo3, TCP/IP, Ada, Scade, hard real time, EN50128, SIL4


KAMISYS 與其合作伙伴


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請填寫以下表格,KAMISYS 希望透過電郵或電話與你保持聯繫,以便提供有關產品或其他資詢。


  • 聯絡電話 : +332 47 79 15 77
    Bâtiment Pép'IT
    10 rue Paulin Viry
    37530 Pocé-sur-Cisse